To Win Groups setting in standalone win app | Wed Jun 06, 2018 09:32 AM | |  |
jangles |
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I believe the My Qty field is used for dutch auctions and not the number to win when items are in a group (that is determined in the default Groups "to Win" interface settings with default being 1).
To clarify, I have a group called OneWins and as long as I set that to be the group (or any group name) against an item row then the default "to win" from settings takes precedence on how many of them I want to win, correct?
If I have put 1 in the My Qty field on these item rows, that doesn't affect the group setting and will actually not even affect the normal auction (as long as its not a dutch auction)?
If the "to win" setting is a generic default for groups, how do you set up a group where you want to win a different amount than the one in settings? Are you able to set up another group where you want to win 2 (or any other number)? Where do you set that up for the other group if it comes from the same Groups setting number if you want it to be different?
Thanks for your help in advance.
Last edited on Fri Jun 08, 2018 07:10 AM.
| Thu Jun 07, 2018 02:44 AM | |  |
Sashka |
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There is no such thing as "Dutch Auctions" on eBay. It's been discontinued several years ago.
Each auction is one item only (unless it's a some kind of set, but still considered as one thing).
So if you put "2" in the "To Win", the sniper will cancel your snipes after it wins 2 listings.
| Fri Jun 08, 2018 07:02 AM | |  |
jangles |
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Member Since: Jun 01, 2018 |
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Thanks Sashka for reply.
The 2 goes in where? Against the row (I don't have an enterable field in snipe box called "To Win" only "My Qty" which has 1 in that field for both auctions in the OneWins group? Or do you mean in the general settings where its set to default 1 now, change that to 2?
How does that affect my current OneWins group (which was created when the settings "To Win" was 1). So if I set this to 2 in settings does that mean my OneWins group will try to win 2? Or does that only affect new groups I create?
I want to have my OneWins group running with 3 or 4 items in there to win 1, but I also want another group running with 5 - 10 in it which will say using your example want to win 2 items before it deactivates the rest in that group).
I'm just struggling to understand how the sniper knows this groups "To Win" is 1 but this other groups "To Win" is 2 when there isn't a "To Wins" thats set at group creation (or be available on the row) when this is one setting "To Win" in the settings for the app.
Hope that makes sense.
| Fri Jun 08, 2018 10:51 PM | |  |
Sashka |
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Posts: 3803 |
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008 |
Location: www.myibidder.com |
Each Group has a setting on how many items to win to complete it. The setting called "To Win".
The "My Qnty" in the Snipe screen does not do anything related to it. You can ignore that.
If you are still not sure, please feel free to provide a screenshot.