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Myibidder Support for stand-alone client applications
Mobile (Android, iOS, BB, webOS) App support
Suggestion: Run As Service Sun Jan 11, 2015 09:12 AM Quote
Posts: 3
Member Since: Jan 11, 2015

Another suggestion for improvement of the app, unless I have overlooked this (must admit I havent tried this yet so apologies if this is already present!)

But is there a way to run the app in the background of the phone. As Android will close down apps that dont tend to be used in the background, if we can run the app as a service, then the snipe service can operate in the background of the phone without having the app sat on screen and it makes it better as a "set and forget" rather than potentially having to be set and check its running?

If its not already there, what do the Dev's think?

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 Mon Jan 12, 2015 12:44 AM Quote
Posts: 3803
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

There is no need to run in the background, it will not affect sniping in any way.
Running in background will just drain battery faster for no purpose at all.
The sniper still "set and forget". You don't need to check anything once you set your snipe. The sniping is done on a remote side. Please take a moment to read the description of the app.

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