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Myibidder Support for stand-alone client applications
Mobile (Android, iOS, BB, webOS) App support
Time Sync Sun Jan 11, 2015 09:09 AM Quote
Posts: 3
Member Since: Jan 11, 2015

Hi all,

I'm new to the world of automated sniping, and already getting hooked! Having found a different bit of software (Java Based) for PC which seemed to work well, but having looked for a droid based solution and came across this app and it looks a good solution!

However, I have a few minor things I would like to suggest in order to make the software the most awesome out there for Droid :)

The first is the time sync, perhaps its just a bug for me, but when I look at the time remaining on the laptop, against a snipe I have on the app, the app is about 45 seconds behind, so when I snipe at 3 seconds, there is still 42 seconds for someone else to come along and woop me!

Is there a way the dev's could make a way to Sync the time with the ebay time servers as the likes of other Windows app's do?

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 Mon Jan 12, 2015 12:45 AM Quote
Posts: 3803
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

If you see the time is off on your phone, that means your time is not synced on the phone. Please sync the time to see it properly.
In any case, it will not affect the sniping.

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