It sure would be nice if I could set up the Android app so that the Active Items list showed more info. For instance, I have a mixture of items with a snipe set, items I'm just watching and some on which I have entered an actual bid. Color coding the different "active" items would be one way of differentiating them. It would also be handy to show the id of the current high bidder, at least on the imported bidded on items. That way I wouldn't have to remember exactly what I bid on each item. Maybe even have the item green if the high bidder is me and red if not.
Thank you for your suggestions.
Unfortunately, eBay does not show the highest bidder, so I have no way to find out if it's you or not.
Also, knowing who is the highest bidder does not help much to remember what you bid on each item.
I try to minimize colors to avoid issues for color-blind users.