I bid on 2 items on ebay via myibidder: 251175657646 & 180992855835; I seriously collect the second. For each, I clicked on the myibidder icon on the respective ebay item pg, signed in, entered my bid & clicked the appropriate button. My bids were higher so why did I lose? I also checked the bidders after the auction was closed and my bid wasn't even listed. Why wasn't it sent in???
There is no need to send the same question multiple times. Either a support ticket or forum post is enough.
I answered to this in the support ticket. Here is a copy of the response just in case if you deleted it or can't find it:
Code: Select All
If you check the "My Status" field of those snipes, you will see the following reason:
"Refused login (password problem?)"
It seems like you recently changed your eBay password, but never logged in with your updated password to the sniper.
The sniper can't bid on your behalf without having your current password.
You should always login with your current password especially after you changed it.