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Myibidder Support for stand-alone client applications
Mobile (Android, iOS, BB, webOS) App support
How the snipe actually works? Sun May 20, 2012 12:01 AM Quote
Muffin Man

When the app actually snipes something, does it bid at the lowest possible price, or does it bid the limit I set?

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 Sun May 20, 2012 02:52 AM Quote
Posts: 3803
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

It bids at the exact amount you set. You will win at the lowest possible price just enough to outbid the previous bidder at one increment only.

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 Sat Dec 31, 2016 09:37 PM Quote

From Amazon in 2013

Myibidder works by 'sniping', which is looking at the current max bid in the last few seconds of the auction, and beating it by the minimum increment. That way, your fellow bidders get no warning of your final price, have no time to get into a bidding war with you, and can't test nor consider your maximum price until it's too late. Sniping doesn't guarantee a win: if someone else has put in a higher max bid than you, you will still lose (but at least then Myibidder stops you getting into a bidding war: it coldly looks at your max and steps out of the bid, so you don't get carried away and lumbered with a questionable bargain).

The Myibidder app doesn't even need to be on and active when the bid ends: it communicates with a server, and its the server that remotely puts the bid in for you. Sneaky!

Let me give you some figures: in a recent eBay bid, I wanted a lens that retails for 230 on Amazon UK. They tend to go for about 150 on eBay UK. The lot ended at 3am, so I already knew the max bid would be low, and decided to bid. I set a max snipe of 140 and went to bed. In the morning I saw I had won at a price of 114! Someone else HAD actually stayed up to manually bid: they had even tested for max bids well before the final run so were sitting on the winning bid. The usual setup for a bidding war, but there was no late night bidding war here because my one and only bid came in 3 seconds before the end, with no time for the other person to respond, and no standing max bids for me to beat. End result: a saving of 33% on the normal eBay price and half retail price! Perhaps some may quibble that this was not on a fair playing field against the fellow bidder, but certainly not illegal nor technically wrong (the fellow bidder DOES have a beating strategy and DOES win sometimes: they have to set a higher max bid).

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 Sat Dec 31, 2016 10:18 PM Quote
Posts: 3803
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

Can you please provide the item number and your actual question?

You provide the description from the Amazon store, but that does not include any relevant information.
Please check.

Last edited on Sat Dec 31, 2016 10:19 PM.
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