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Myibidder Support for stand-alone client applications
Mobile (Android, iOS, BB, webOS) App support
Android Myibidder still sniped after cancelling Sun Oct 23, 2011 04:12 PM Quote

I've been using the Android Myibidder app for a while now and it has worked great. Except this last time. I cancelled a snipe on my phone about 4 hours before an auction was scheduled to end. However, it did not cancel my snipe and I actually won the auction. I did not want the item but now I own it because the snipe did not cancel. I know that I had a signal because I was at home browsing e-bay on my phone at that same time. Can you tell me why it did not cancel the snipe? This is very disturbing because now I can never be sure that a snipe was cancelled even though I have cancelled it on my phone.

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 Sun Oct 23, 2011 04:33 PM Quote
Posts: 3803
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

You did not specify the item number so I can't check anything. I could only guess that you did not save your change.
Also, please include the version of the Android app you use.

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 Tue Oct 25, 2011 06:53 PM Quote
Posts: 2
Member Since: Oct 23, 2011

Item: 370551290846
App version: 0.9.6.

I did press save and waited until the dialog box disappeared. I always wait until the dialog box disappears. One thing that would be helpful on the phone app is that when you save and the save was successful, instead of just displaying the same screen where you can't tell if the save was successful, it can take you back to the Active Items screen or maybe change the color like the web app does.

This item was cheap so I'm not that concerned about it. I'm just concerned if I cancel a bid on an item that is more expensive.

I can understand if this is difficult to debug. I'm in IT so I know if it can't be recreated, it is really difficult to research. If there is nothing you see that is obvious, I will just make sure to double-check any future cancellations via the webpage.

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 Tue Oct 25, 2011 08:21 PM Quote
Posts: 3803
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

I don't see any attempts to cancel it.
The last update for the snipe came on Oct/23 00:30:19 PDT (eBay time).
Is that when you cancelled it or when you added it? If that's when you cancelled then my only guess is that the checkbox did not register as unchecked somehow in Android.

The app does display if the snipe is still active or not. The easiest way to check is through Active Items list -- if you see "My Snipe: <not set>", that means your snipe is deactivated. If you see "My Snipe: $100.02", that means your snipe is set to $100.02.

Please keep me posted if any similar issues arise so we can track it.

Last edited on Tue Oct 25, 2011 08:22 PM.
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 Wed Oct 26, 2011 09:21 PM Quote
Posts: 2
Member Since: Oct 23, 2011

I think it was around that time that I cancelled it. I'll make to sure to double-check any time I make any changes to my snipes. If it happens again, I will contact you. Thanks for looking into it.

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