Please note that the software is not completed yet and has some missing features and bugs. I'll try to explain whatever is known and expected.
Functions, which should be working: * Login/Logout.
* Getting your current list of items and groups.
* Adding a new item using Item number.
* Be able to activate/deactivate your snipe.
* Moving an item from one group to another (from pull-down menu only).
* Refresh item's information, Open in a Browser, Delete items.
* Check for Application Updates works (whenever update is available).
Missing functionality: * Preferences mostly does not work.
* "Import Watching" is not done yet.
* "Group" button on the toolbar is not done.
Known Bugs: * Sorting does not work completely.
* Sometimes crashes on login when can't connect (you just need to restart and try again).
* Changing "Stage" and "Payment" for an item does not work.