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General Support for Myibidder service
Comments, Suggestions and Ideas
Four feature suggestions for the stand-alone program Sun Jan 18, 2009 05:09 PM Quote

Two features are essential for me, and I'll wait for them to be implemented before purchasing the program:

1. Remember the column widths. Every time I reopen the program, I have to adjust them. This is annoying.

2. Show my bid amount for the items I'm sniping next to the current price.

These are not critical but highly desirable:

3. As someone already suggested, auto-update the current bids once in a while, at least for items closing within a short time. You can make it optional in settings, say offer the following options:

If the item is ending within 10 minutes,
auto-update each (and here the user sets time in seconds),
default 30 seconds

If the item is ending within 60 minutes,
auto-update each (and here the user sets time in minutes)
default 5 minutes

If the item is ending within 24 hours,
auto-update each (and here the user sets time in hours)
default 2 hours

If the item is ending within more than 24 hours,
auto-update each (and here the user sets time in hours)
default 12 hours

4. Sometimes I run a very specific ebay search that produces 10-20 results, and I want to snipe them ALL as a group. It takes a LOT of clicks to add them all (especially because I need to close that little "Item ... has been added" window every time). I wish I could copy and paste the URL of the page with search results and let your program extract item IDs and then add them all as one group.

Thank you!


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 Sun Jan 18, 2009 05:20 PM Quote
Posts: 3803
Member Since: Feb 13, 2008

1. This feature is implemented is 1.0.39. Please download it and try it (you may need to disable Auto-fit). It's in experimental stage, but seems to be working fine for me.

2. Moving columns is in my ToDo list, but I don't have ETA for it. On another hand, your snipe should not depend on the current bid. Making it dependent will give you more failed snipes.

3. I can't let user control that auto-update as users will start to make it as quick as possible (every minute if possible). This way sniping will not be the highest priority as auto-updates will take up all time on the servers.
The current bid field is for information purposes only. Your snipe should not be dependent on the current bid anyway. Please take it into consideration.

4. That's a good idea. I'll probably add it into Firefox add-on which is free, as it can handle it much better.

Btw, you don't need to wait for those features to be implemented. You can use the program now without buying for at least 30 days.
Buying it is just for supporting this service.

Thanks for your suggestions and good luck sniping!

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