Sorry if I missed something in the FAQ, but I didn't see any specific step by step instructions for using the Firefox extension. Keep in mind that I've never used or had any experience with sniping, so very detailed instructions (that a 2yr old can understand) would be helpful. Thanks.
Good point. I'll have to update FAQ for detailed instructions.
Meanwhile, I'll post some short steps to get started here.
1. Install Firefox add-on: (you will have to restart your Firefox browser to complete installation).
2. When you have some auction opened, you should see a new link "Snipe It" just next to "Email to a friend" link.
Click on "Snipe it" to get a pop-up window.
3. You may be asked to login using eBay user id and password if you are not logged in yet.
4. On the next window enter your snipe ("My Bid" field) and other optional fields if needed (like your Group, how many seconds to snipe etc).
5. Click "Schedule" to submit your snipe.
Once you got a message "eBay #xxxxxxxxxxx has been added", you are done.