my snipe bids are not being placed by myibay when seller uses a "turbo listing" service
Thu Oct 16, 2008 10:27 PM
Hi. I have found a seller that lists many items that I like and all of his items win within the same minute or so of each other. I have placed snipe bids on any where from 10 - 50 different auctions of his that all end within the same time. I come back to myibay to see if I won any and find that my bids were never placed! This has happened on 3-4 occasions over the past several weeks. I have tried to changed the time that my bids are entered anywhere from 6-8 seconds and have even staggered my times when bidding on a group of items. Nothing seems to work. I am very discouraged. Do you have any helpful hints? Thanks, superstartoys